Do You Know how much money he donated?
Douglas is the father of a child at Milridge Elementary School in Ohio. Douglas made a donation to the school by writing a check using Common Core math. How much money did Douglas donate to the school?
Unless you are a fourth grader indoctrinated into Common Core, we may never know the answer to how much money Douglas donated to his child’s school. Parents across the country are outraged by the controversial Common Core standards which teach children a new “long form” way to do math. Basically everything we were taught about how to do math in school is thrown out the window.
Parents have complained that it is crazy that they are unable to help their children with their simple elementary level homework. 46 states have officially adopted the Common Core standards. It seems that Douglas from Ohio has struck a nerve and his Common Core trolling of the school has gone viral. After all, now the school or the folks at the bank will have to figure out this problem, or the school won’t get the money!
Here is how another annoyed father took on Common Core.
How do you feel about this program?
Source: Dad Writes Donation Check To School Using Common Core